Name Them! Shame Them! By: Prof. Mohamud Siad Togane
Last update 24-11-13
Of the HabarKintiriocrats Of the Habarkuulaytocrats
Last update 24-11-13
(For Ussur Abrar)
From the way you walk
From the way you talk
From your gait
I can tell
One day
You will be ruled
By thieves!
By thugs!
…Farah Sefay
The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.
The Mogadishu kleptocracy is
a government in name only . . its continued existence rests only on the
blind willingness of international backers to believe that a fantasy is
United States and other donors continued to put money towards the
mortars and machine guns that would buy another stay of execution for
the besieged members of Somalia’s official national government.
… Jay Bahadur
Naming overcomes Evil.
. . . Madeleine L’Engl
I am going to name them!
I am going to shame them!
I am going to nail them!
I am going to nab them!
You know them
I know them
I am going to name the rapists of our Motherland
Yussur Abrar outed them!
Yussur Abrar named them!
Yussur Abrar shamed them!
Yussur Abrar nailed them
Yussur Abrar nabbed them!
Yussur Abrar named
Musse Ganjab
Who was once my friend
In Tanzania
Where he was once a penniless beggar!
Who is now gangster billionaire in Jo’burg!
Who is now the Godfather
Of the Ali Gaaf Goofy Klan
The Klan of Hassan Qassaaye Qoslaaye!
Just like Yussur Abrar
I hereby break my silence
For silence means consent!
And the Mafioso Goofy Ali Gaaf doesn’t have my consent!
I am going to name them!
I am going to shame them!
I am going to nail them!
I am going to nab them!
Edmund Burke is right
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Leonardo da Vinci is right
He who does not punish evil
Commands it to be done
Again & Again
Our Prophet Muhammad is right
Who commanded the Good
Forbidding Evil
Who teaches us that
If you see Evil
Change it with your hand
If you cannot
Then change it with your tongue
If you cannot
Then curse it in your heart
I am going to do something!
I am going to open my big mouth!
I am going to name them!
I am going to shame them!
I am going to nail them!
I am going to nab them!
Here are the names of the thieves
Here are the names of the thugs
Here are the names of the rapists
Here are the names of the Tuugatha
Who have taken Somali for a ride
Big time!
Who daily torment
Who daily rape
Our Motherland
Here are the names of
Ill Brutto
Ill Cane
Ill Cattivo
Ill Ladrones
Ill corrotto
Ill disonesto,
Ill venduto
Mohamed Ali America
The Rer Mattaam Thieving Ambassador
Who is well ensconced in
Qadiijo Osobleh
Naagta Tuugta ah ila Qabta!
Help me catch the thieving bitch!
Engineer Ayno
Tuuga Qabta!
Buri Hamza
Tuuga Qabta!
Catch the Barawaani Bandito!
Hassan HO Holo
Tuuga Qabta!
Catch the thief who pretends to be
The President of Somalia
Jibril Ibrahim Abdulle
Tuuga Qabta!
Ali Mahdi
Tuuga Qabta!
Sharif Bijole
Tuuga Qabta!
Shariif Sakiin
Tuuga Qabta!
Ina Salad Heir ‘Air Boy
Tuuga Ill-Jex ah ila Qabta!
These are only a fraction
Of the Kleptocrats
Of the Kakatocrats
Of the Dollarocrats
Of the Crassitocrats
Of the Yahootocrats
Of the HabarKintiriocrats Of the Habarkuulaytocrats
Of the kakistocrats
Of the kalabtocrats
Of the Calibantocrats
Of the Cannibalitocrats
Of the Talibantocracy
Of the Coonatocracy
the Kakatocrats
Of the Mullahtocrats
Who daily steal the milk
Out of the mouths of starving Somali babies
These are the ones who make Somali mothers
Weep & Wail!
I am going to do something!
I am going to open my big mouth!
I am going to name them!
I am going to shame them!
I am going to nail them!
I am going to nab them!
Tuugatha ila qabta!
Help me catch the thieves!
Ghedi Giaour
The Harta Abgal crony of
Ali Khalif Galayrd
Ali Baba & his forty thieves!
Aren’t you the one
Who stole millions from the Somali nation
Who blew his own horn
Who bragged
I am only 50 years old
I have 50 million dollars!
Forgetting to add
I stole
Every cent
Every penny
From the Somali people
With the assistance of Uncle Sam
And his United Nations!
And his international community!
I am doing something!
I am opening my big mouth!
I am naming them!
I am shaming them!
I am nailing them!
I am nabbing them!
I am blowing the whistle on them
I am dropping the dime on them!
I am blowing them all away out of the water!
Tuugatha ila qabta!
Help me catch the thieves!
These thieves
These thugs
These are the Ill-Jex
These are the Cyclops
These are the Evi-eyed ones
These are the Cyclops of Somalia
Who boast just like the Cyclops of ancient days:
I sacrifice to no god
Save myself
And to my big belly
The greatest of all deities
These are the ones
Who daily beg God praying to endue them with
Cag aan joagsanayan!
Carab aan hishoanayn!
Caloal aan dhergayn!
A foot of false pride that never ceases
From committing mischief murder mayhem!
A tongue that doesn't know
What shame or embarrassment is!
And the belly
Of an unbeliever
Of a greedy gut
That is insatiable!
These greedy ones are goners
For a man taken by Greed is
As goner as a man taken by the sword!
Yussur Abrar proved what everybody knows
That Somalia’s so-called president
Hassan HO!
A thief!
A thug!
Sister Yussur had told us so!
That Somalia is a nation that has fallen among thieves!
Somalia is today a satellite of Uncle Sam
And Uncle Sam even tries to seduce God
according to Malcolm
Yes, America has that seductive power of economic dollarism
You can cut out colonialism imperialism and all other kind of ism
But it’s hard for you to cut that dollarism
When they drop those dollars on you
You’ll fold though
DOLLAROCRACY is America’s gift
To the world
To Somalia
Dollarocracy is the name of the American empire!
Somalia has two deadly weapons
Somalia has two things going for her!
1. Allah
2. Fearless Somali women!
Like Yussur Abrar!
Fight the corrupting dollared dollied damn
Babylon Whore
Called America and her running dogs!
Follow the Example of Yussur Abrar!
Name them! Nail them! Nab them!
Shame them! Shut them down!
Tuugatha inala qabta!
Help us catch the thieves
Help your courageous sister
Help your sister Yussur Abrar!
…Mohamud Siad Togane
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